Application Deadlines for Fall 2024 Intake in UK

The intake of universities in the UK at fall is one of the most popular intakes, and the deadlines may vary from time to time. Usually, fall intake in UK starts from September, which is an early deadline and goes till April, which is the full and final deadline, and the peak month is January. Many universities have ruled that applicants must apply before the early deadlines so that they can get a seat along with a scholarship. The key dates and university application dates are especially updated for international students for both undergraduate and masters. The last date for admission in the fall season will be the end of April to study in UK.

GATE vs GRE – Which One is Better for You?

As the world continues to evolve all across the globe, keeping oneself updated with the changing times is the need of the hour. The demand for highly skilled individuals continues to soar high while the quality of education continues to dilute, and the industry-academic gap continues to expand. This, in turn, has led to a rise in competition for incompetent jobs while the bar is set high for reputed universities all across the globe. The fierce competition between GATE vs GRE continues, while deep expertise in a particular industry is what recruiters look for. Here is a comprehensive guide that will help you if studying abroad is a suitable option or should you continue for GATE.

What is the Minimum IELTS Band Score for United Kingdom (UK)

Before we go for the IELTS band score, we have to know what exactly IELTS is. It is an International English language Testing System (IELTS) designed to measure the language proficiency of people who would like to study or work where English is the language used for communication. The IELTS in UK is available in two test formats. The IELTS is designed for those who are planning to study for higher education like undergraduate and graduate studies or those who are seeking professional registration.